Request for Proposals
Hillsborough Street 2040 Corridor Plan

Issue Date: January 21, 2024
Due Date: February 17, 2024 by 5:00 p.m.
Proposals must be submitted electronically by emailing:
Issuing Agency: Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation
Project Manager: Jeff Murison,
1.1 Purpose
Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation (HSCSC) is soliciting proposals from one or more vendor(s) with which to contract for the development of a Hillsborough Street 2040 Vision Plan.
Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation is seeking proposals from vendors experienced and knowledgeable in preparing an economic development strategy for neighborhoods, Municipal Service Districts (MSDs), business improvement districts and/or municipalities with a specific focus on town/gown communities. The main objective of this work is to craft a series of strategic recommendations for HSCSC that positions the non-profit in a way that both builds upon Hillsborough’s Street’s unique strengths and is responsive to the economic realities of municipal service districts.
All questions related to this solicitation must be submitted in writing (via email) to the following individual by January 31, 2025:
Contact Name: Jeff Murison
Email Address:
1.2 Posting of RFP
All information related to this solicitation, including any addenda, and questions pertaining to this RFP will be posted to the Hillsborough Street Community Services Corporation website ( . The solicitation will be advertised on the following websites: American Planning Association North Carolina Chapter (NCAPA) website: and the International Downtown Association
It is the Respondents responsibility to ensure that all addenda have been reviewed and, if required signed and returned.
1.3 Request for Proposal Timeline
Provided below is a list of the anticipated schedule of events related to this solicitation. HSCSC reserves the right to modify and/or adjust the following schedule to meet the needs of the service. All times shown are Eastern Time (EST):
RFP Process | Date & Time |
RFP Advertisement Date | January 21, 2025 |
Deadline for Questions | January 31, 2025 |
Proposal Due Date & Time | February 17, 2025 by 5:00 p.m. |
Award Announcement | March 7, 2025 |
Selected Vendor Interview with HSCSC Board of Directors | March 20, 2025 |
Draft and sign contract | April 20, 2025 |
1.4 Proposal Questions
Requests for clarification and questions to this RFP must be received by the HSCSC no later than January 31, 2025. The vendor’s failure to request clarification and submit questions by the date in the RFP Timeline above shall be considered to constitute the firm’s acceptance of all terms, conditions, and requirements. If HSCSC receives questions about this RFP, the answers will be published as an addenda on our website, and Jeff Murison, will share the addendum via email.
No information, instruction or advice provided orally or informally by any HSCSC personnel, whether made in response to a question or otherwise in connection with this RFP, shall be considered authoritative or binding. Respondents shall be entitled to rely only on written material contained in an Addendum to this RFP. It is the Respondents responsibility to ensure that all addenda have been reviewed and, if required signed and returned.
1.5 Proposal Submission Requirements
Proposals must be sent via email to Jeff Murison at Proposals should not exceed 20 pages, or 10 pages double-sided, exclusive of resumes, tabs, title page, or cover letter. Proposals should demonstrate a commitment to providing a high level of service, experience, passion and enthusiasm for the project and provide sufficient detail to enable the Evaluation Committee to thoroughly evaluate and compare it with other proposals. Proposals should include the following components:
This section shall describe the areas of expertise on the consultant team including current permanent staff and the types of services that the lead firm and any supportive team members can provide and have demonstrated experience in completing for municipal clients and economic development entities. Additionally, include a proposed project management structure. Identify the key contact for the project and all personnel who will be assigned to work on this project, including a description of their abilities, qualifications, and experience. The vendor(s) should be a diverse team with experience in neighborhood-specific economic development, urban planning, and the knowledge of how to invest in and expand upon the town/gown relationship. - PROPOSED WORK AND TIMELINE:
Include an estimated start date, with a detailed phasing timeline and key task list, estimated completion time of each task with the target completion date. Project work is anticipated to be completed within 10-12 months of the executed contract. - PROJECT EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES:
Provide brief descriptions of three (3) projects dealing with economic development, master plans, urban design, and/or similar topics prepared by or under the direction of your firm. Include in your description the techniques utilized in using the strategic plan process and the outcome of the planning process. Where applicable, provide examples where cities have followed your plan and successfully reached stated goals. Please also include a list of references for these projects as well as others with an emphasis on those undertaken within the last five (5) years and those done for cities that are substantially similar. - PROJECT COST:
Complete proposals should include an anticipated cost amount associated with each of the four major study areas. Budget: $90k - $110k
1 | Operational Considerations | |
2 | Economic Development | |
3 | Public Realm and Urban Design | |
4 | Placemaking, Events, and Arts | |
5 | Additional Services Proposed, such as Stakeholder Engagement, among others | |
Total Proposed Fee |
Additional fees outside those provided in the proposal pricing chart above will be considered and reviewed against existing funding.
1.6 Evaluation Criteria:
- Demonstrated level of multi-disciplinary experience, qualifications, experience, and professionalism for respondent firm (or team), its principals, project management team, project manager, key staff, and sub-consultants (if applicable) assigned to the project;
- Demonstrated level of professional and technical expertise (particularly expertise at both the neighborhood and citywide aggregate levels) and proven record in the preparation of economic development strategic plans (and other economic development plans) and place-based strategies / planning experience by the respondent firm (or team);
- Demonstrated experience in community engagement, public participation, and stakeholder outreach as part of similar efforts with experience working with public agencies, city departments, and other regional entities as part of similar efforts;
- Demonstrated experience working with solutions unique to town/gown communities;
- Demonstrated capacity and capability of the firm to perform the work within the specified timeline, scope and budget;
- Overall value of the proposal and proposed services relative to the level of creativity and innovation in the proposed approach to the project;
- Expertise and knowledge of the local Raleigh market conditions;
- Level of Minority- and Women-Owned Business (MWBE) participation and leadership as part of project team;
- Local consultant and/or firm participation as part of project team;
- Cost competitiveness of the application; and
- Other issues which may arise during the selection process;21
1.7 Rights to Submitted Material
All proposals and supporting materials, as well as correspondence relating to this RFP, shall become the property of the HSCSC. The content of all submittals will be held confidential until the selection of the firm is made. Proposals will be reviewed and any proprietary data must be clearly marked in the manner required by North Carolina law. In submitting a Proposal, each Prospective Proposer agrees that the HSCSC may reveal any trade secret materials contained in such response to HSCSC staff involved in the selection process and to any outside consultant or other third party who serves on the Evaluation Team or who is hired by the HSCSC to assist in the selection process, including the HSCSC Board of Directors.
The HSCSC reserves the right to retain all proposals submitted and to use any ideas in a proposal regardless of whether that proposal is selected. Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the proposer of the conditions contained in this Request for Proposals. Proposals marked entirely as “confidential”, “proprietary”, or “trade secret” may be considered non-responsive and will be removed from the evaluation process.
1.8 Communications
All communications of any nature regarding this RFP with any HSCSC staff, evaluation committee members, or HSCSC Board of Director members are strictly forbidden from the time the solicitation is publicly posted until award. Questions must be submitted in writing to the individual designated in Section 1.1 Purpose, prior to the deadline provided in the RFP Timeline (Section 1.3). Violation of this provision may result in the firm’s proposal being removed from consideration.
1.9 Lobbying
By responding to this solicitation, the firm certifies that it has not and will not pay any person or firm to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of the HSCSC or HSCSC Board of Directors in connection with obtaining a contract as a result of this RFP.
1.10 Conflicts of Interest
Proposers warrant that no conflict of interest exists, and agree to promptly disclose any potential or actual conflicts that may arise during the term of this agreement.
1.11 Proposer Expenses
The HSCSC will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any Proposer in the development of a response to this Request for Proposal or any other activities associated with this procurement including but not limited to any onsite (or otherwise) interviews and/or presentations, and/or supplemental information provided, submitted, or given to HSCSC and/or its representatives. Further, the HSCSC shall reserve the right to cancel the work described herein prior to issuance and acceptance of any contractual agreement/purchase order by the recommended Proposer even if the awarding authority for each entity has formally accepted a recommendation.
1.12 Proposer Acceptance
Submission of any proposal indicates a Proposer’s acceptance of the conditions contained in this RFP unless clearly and specifically noted otherwise in the RFP response document. Furthermore, the HSCSC is not bound to accept a proposal on the basis of lowest price, and further, the HSCSC has the sole discretion and reserves the right to cancel this RFP, and to reject any and all proposals, to waive any and all informalities and/or irregularities and reserves the right to re-advertise this RFP with either the identical or revised scope and specifications if it is deemed to be in the best interests of the HSCSC to do so.
The HSCSC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the items in the proposal, and to award the contract in whole or in part and/or negotiate any or all items with individual Proposers if it is deemed in the best interest of the HSCSC to do so. Moreover, the HSCSC reserves the right to make no selection if proposals are deemed to be outside the fiscal constraint or not in the best interest of the HSCSC.
1.13 Project Payments
Payment terms will be determined during negotiations with the selected vendor.
1.14 Notice to Proposers Regarding RFP Terms and Conditions
It shall be the Proposer’s responsibility to read the Instructions, all relevant exhibits, attachments, and any other components made a part of this RFP and comply with
all requirements and specifications herein. Proposers are also responsible for obtaining and complying with all Addenda and other changes that may be issued in connection with this RFP.
2.1 Purpose of Study
To ensure Hillsborough Street continues to thrive as a dynamic and inclusive hub for commerce, community, and culture, this study seeks to define a clear and actionable vision for its future. By addressing the corridor’s unique strengths and opportunities, this effort aims to balance the diverse needs of its stakeholders—residents, students, businesses, and institutions—while embracing the challenges and possibilities of urban growth. The following purposes outline the key objectives that will guide this work:
- Economic Development Strategy: Develop a forward-looking economic development strategy for Hillsborough Street that positions the corridor for sustained success and vibrancy through 2040.
- Placemaking and Identity: Build on Hillsborough Street’s unique character and cultural identity, ensuring it remains a vital resource for NC State University, adjacent neighborhoods, and small businesses.
- Community Engagement and Advocacy: Foster meaningful engagement with local stakeholders, including residents, businesses, and students, to create a shared vision and advocate for policies and initiatives that align with community priorities.
- Sustainable Urban Revitalization: Identify and prioritize revitalization projects that the HSCSC can feasibly implement
- Strategic Partnerships and Resource Alignment: Leverage strategic partnerships with NC State University, the City of Raleigh, and other stakeholders to align resources, policies, and initiatives that maximize the economic and social potential of the corridor.
2.2 Scope of Work
Our organization has identified four key areas of work that are key in developing a successful economic development strategy. Each of these study areas are explained further below with context and intended outcomes:
- Operational Considerations
Operational considerations may pertain to the following areas that support HSCSC’s mission: maintaining a clean and safe environment, landscape beautification, marketing and communications to users, and supporting economic development and growth. Means to support the long-term health and viability of the area may include recommendations for the expansion of the district boundary, changes to the assessment rate, management/partner engagement activities, and other organizational recommendations. - Economic Development
Develop growth and add businesses along the Hillsborough Street corridor. Investment opportunities must be identified and communicated to the development and real estate industry to ensure the area remains economically viable and retains its value. - Public Realm and Urban Design
Outcomes of the economic development analysis should inform placemaking and urban design decisions and plans for the future of Hillsborough Street. - Placemaking, Events, and Arts
Public realm amenities will serve as spaces for community events that include the arts, music, food, etc.
2.3 Study Area
The Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation is an independent, not for profit municipal service district, which began providing services and programs in the fall of 2010. The district was created by the City of Raleigh in partnership with NC State University and the property owners, merchants and residents on and around Hillsborough Street.

The HSCSC territory is a 3-mile long corridor that runs on both sides of Hillsborough Street, from St. Mary’s School to Meredith College and the I-440 Beltline (including Morgan St., a few side streets and connections to the Village District). The territory includes a diverse collection of businesses, organizations, institutions and residential options. The Area Of Influence includes neighborhoods and commercial areas outside of this boundary. Proposers should provide a description of how they would determine the Area of Influence and the significance of this area to the scope of work.
We support an equitable and inclusive community, enabling all people to participate and reach their full potential. We believe in promoting equitable access and opportunity, recognizing the need to address systemic and institutional inequities, especially in matters of race. We recognize that to achieve our vision, we must lead our sector in making the changes we want to see in society.
HSCSC annually provides a range of services and programs that help to make the Hillsborough Street community a better place to live, work, play, shop, dine, learn and visit, including: cleaning, security, beautification, marketing and communications, economic development, special events and tourism, planning and advocacy, parking and transportation, research, arts and community.
(Additional information can be found here:
2.4 Process for Study
The Contractor shall:
2.4.1. Conduct a kickoff meeting with the steering committee to review and make any final adjustments to the scope and timeline.
2.4.2. Collect and review all relevant HSCSC studies from the past 15 years.
2.4.3. Conduct an internal and external scan to assess the current landscape and economic trends.
2.4.4. Begin analysis and study on the Hillsborough Street 2040 Vision Plan with special focus on market-based recommendations for regulatory and policy changes.
2.4.5. Research and create educational communication materials to illustrate other town/gown communities to highlight successful policies, goals, and outcomes.
2.4.6. Develop a stakeholder engagement strategy to reach a diverse audience.
2.4.7. Perform necessary analysis on potential projects and/or initiatives to inform a recommendation on the prioritization of those projects and/or initiatives. Research and develop a report of findings related to study questions.
2.4.8. Synthesize data and information to form recommendations.
2.4.9. Identify recommendations aligned with expectations outlined in areas of study.
2.4.10. Finalization of recommendations and strategy after presentation to Committee and refinement of recommendations from feedback.
2.4.11. Produce a publicly presented document with an executable implementation plan, outlining the roles and responsibilities of each partner. All deliverables anticipated to be completed within a 12-month project timeline.